The EnTrePrise
Ecosystem in Permanent TransformationA company is not transformed in jolts but through dynamics that are deeply rooted in what it has always been and what it wants to become. You cannot only rely on innovation projects to get your company moving, but you have to create a global dynamic.
ETP enables you to transform your company by creating :
New dynamic balances for the company, between DNA and Vision, Exploitation of the existing and Exploration
In this way, you create a new company dynamic that opens up new perspectives:
Ecological Decisions as a new framework for decision-making in an open ecosystem
Moving from the position of CEO – Chief Executive Officer – to that of CIO, Collective Intelligence / Chief Inspiring Officer
A company that thinks « outside the box » in an open ecosystem in permanent transformation
The axes of transformation to effectively guide the progressive reinvention of the company

Discover the EnTrePrise (ETP)
Faced with a complex world, the challenge today is no longer innovation or agility, but to put in place the conditions for permanent transformation. How can we draw our differentiation from our DNA, create a collective breath of fresh air through a co-constructed vision, and create new dynamic balances between exploiting what already exists and exploring what lies ahead? How can we promote new management principles to encourage co-operation, initiative and personal development? Dare permanent transformation!
Taylor is dead
Lead your business transformation
Dare permanent transformation, reinvent your business!